I am often asked what reiki is and
what it can do. Well, the short answer is, every living thing, from plants,
trees, animals, fish, to us humans is made up of energy. We use it, we
manufacture it, we store it up for future use, and we can’t live without it.
When we’re hungry, we eat a healthy(hopefully) meal to manufacture it. When
we’re tired, we sleep to store it up. When we have to garden or walk across the
street or otherwise move our bodies, we use it. Simple, right?
The problem is we also eat not-so-healthy
foods out of boredom, frustration, or depression (think mind, body, spirit
here). This in turn disturbs our sleep patterns and we don’t get the quality
rest we need. The stress of everyday life only compounds the situation, and
before you know it, we are run down and our energy level is out of whack. You
may know this imbalance by other names: colds, digestive disorders, headaches,
stomach aches, to name just a few. When stress and energy imbalance become
chronic, the effectiveness of our immune system is lowered and this can lead to
more serious diseases.
Enter reiki. Reiki is a Japanese word which means
‘universal life force energy’. A reiki treatment helps to balance the energy in
our body, strengthens the immune system, reduces stress, promotes relaxation,
helps to get rid of negative emotional issues, and promotes clearer thinking in
all areas of our lives. When we can think more clearly, we are better able to
make healthier decisions in our lives. It is also the perfect complement to any
healing regimen your doctor may prescribe.
A treatment lasts about an hour. It
is performed on a massage table, but unlike a massage you remain fully clothed,
and no tissue is manipulated. The practitioner lays his/her hands on or
slightly above the energy centers (chakras) of the body, leaving you calm,
peaceful and relaxed.
Let reiki help restore you
to the energy-filled creation you were meant to beGuest Blogger - Nancy Getz, Reiki Master Practitioner at Bodhi Tree Yoga